23. The relaxing which is now announced worldwide leads to a new wave of coronavirus infections as well as to many corona deaths. December 31, 2020
21. End of June: Over 10 million infected ones worldwide! The first wave is only approaching its peak, contrary to alternative claims. December 31, 2020
20. Further information about necessary modes of behaviour, which absolutely ought to be heeded June 30, 2020 covid19eng
18. A thank you from Ptaah and the Plejaren generally to all human beings who act rationally and responsibly June 30, 2020 covid19eng
17. Information about further necessary modes of behaviour and further information concerning the origin of the rampantly spreading disease June 30, 2020 covid19eng
15. About the Maliciousness of the Coronavirus and the Actual Threat that Comes from it. June 30, 2020 covid19eng
12. Explanations by Ptaah about the Background of the Corona Pandemic and its True Origin June 30, 2020 covid19eng