Cause and Effect

Ursache und Wirkung –
cause and effect –

Der Mensch würdige all das, was sich in seinem Leben ergibt, was er erfährt und erlebt
15. März 2018

Alles, was sich im Leben des Menschen ergibt, was er erfährt und erlebt, ergibt sich niemals umsonst, denn grundsätzlich gilt immer das Gesetz der Kausalität resp. von Ursache und Wirkung, folglich alles und jedes daraus Entstehende und Hervorgehende einen bestimmten Sinn und Zweck hat und im Resultat resp. in der Wirkung zu finden ist. Und das ist so, auch wenn er das nicht sogleich, sondern erst Stunden, Wochen, Monate oder nicht selten erst Jahre später erkennt und verstehen kann.
So war es in bezug auf sein ganzes bisheriges Leben, und so wird es auch in seinem gesamten zukünftigen Leben noch sein.

The human being is worthy of all that which arises in in his/her life which he/she would experience and live through
March 15 2018

Everything which arises in the life of the human being which he experience and live through never arises in vain, because fundamentally the law of causality i.e. of cause and effect always applies, consequently everything and anything has therefrom that which is arising and that which is going forth has a certain sense and purpose and as a result i.e. is to find the effect. And that is so even when it is not immediate, rather first hours, weeks, months or not rarely even years later it can be recognized and be understood.
So thus in regards to his/her whole life up until now and so it will still be in his/her entire future life.

Kausalität = Causality
Latin: *causalitas, from causalis (“causal”), from causa (“cause”).

Morphologically causal +‎ -ity


causality (countable and uncountable, plural causalities)

The agency of a cause; the action or power of a cause, in producing its effect.
The relationship between something that happens or exists and the thing that causes it; the cause and consequence relationship.

Now to break down the German: Ursache und Wirkung

1. (proto-, primitive, original)
2. great-; indicates an additional generation of separation between relatives

So, Ur- shows age or time. Thus grandma is Oma but great-grandma is Uroma.
In English prefix great is the equivalent to the German prefix Ur-.

Now to the German word: Sache
1. (Gegenstand) [thing/object];
2. (Angelegenheit) [opportunity];
3. (Ziel, Anliegen) [cause;] für eine gute/gerechte Sache kämpfen [fight for a good cause / for the cause of justice;]
4. mit jemandem gemeinsame Sache machen [make common cause with somebody]
5. (Aufgabe) [job/task];

So an object or a task, or should I say the `the first task` may be the initiator?
An object (or maybe a law?) that was set a long time ago.
Given an opportunity one must make a choice which results in an effect.

Now to the German: Wirkung
This is super easy for me to explain because it’s used so much in German.

Wirkung is translated as effect and could also be be looked at as the English word “works” because something is put into motion.

Verbs express actions, and when I see wirken as a verb I see it as the English word “to work”. However, in Ursache und “Wirkung”, it’s a noun.
Thus, the thing put into action is also known as it’s effect 🙂

Let’s not forget, this word, Wirkung, is also part of reality (Wirklichkeit) [Work-li-ness] 😛

Here is a good example of cause and effect (Ursache und Wirkung):