When we look at the German word, “Gleichgültig”, it’s two words in one.
Let’s take a look at these two words:
Gleich = same, equal, similar
Gültig = valid, effective, relevant
The noun translates to “indifferent” in English.
When used as an Adverb it normally translates as “unconcerned”.
De.wikipedia.org says this about Gleichgültig:
“Gleichgültigkeit (auch Indifferenz) bezeichnet einen Wesenszug des Menschen, welcher Gegebenheiten und Ereignisse hinnimmt, ohne diese zu werten, sich dafür zu interessieren, sich ein moralisches Urteil darüber zu bilden oder handelnd aktiv zu werden, um diese zu ändern.”
“Indifference describes a characteristic trait of the human being, which accepts circumstances and events without evaluating them, without being interested in forming a moral judgment about them or taking action to change them.”
So when I think of this word, from my understanding of the German language, the person is seeing another based off of their own similar (Gleich) valid (gültig) views/thinking. This makes him/her unconcerned with the other’s issues/problems because they only see their own similarities.
In Contact 708 Billy states what this word means:
“Gleichgültigkeit bezeichne ich als einen bösen, negativen und schlechten Wesenszug jener Menschen, die Gegebenheiten und Ereignisse einfach bedenken- und gedanken- sowie gefühllos hinnehmen , ohne dabei auch nur einen Jota daran zu werten oder sich dafür zu interessieren. Folglich sind sie auch absolut unfähig, sich ein moralisches Urteil darüber zu bilden.”
“I call indifference an evil, negative and bad characteristic of those human beings who simply consciencelessly and thoughtlessly and without feelings for others accept happenings and events, without evaluating it by one iota or being interested in it. Consequently, they are also absolutely incapable of forming a moral judgment about it.”[1]
As I have researched this word and it’s meaning I have been seeing it more and more and even realizing that I have been doing it to others. Let’s look into what has been said that causes such a thing and see if we can get some insight into how these things developed.
In this same contact note, 708, we find that he, Billy, states some reasons for what is causing these actions, which we overlook each day.
“…weil unaufhaltsam mehr Menschen die Welt bevölkern und eben die Überbevölkerung…”
“because unstoppably more human beings populate the world and even the overpopulation…”
The overpopulation is making us all see each other as a group of cows on a farm. So many human beings that we are no longer keeping a healthy social life with each other, but acting in this way is not healthy. This can be understood from the statements in the Goblet of the Truth [Chapter 25]:
“270)Allein durch eure Gedanken und Gefühle, ihr Menschheit der Erde, seid ihr an vielen guten und bösen Taten eurer Mitmenschen beteiligt, ohne dass es euch bewusst wird, weil ihr euch nicht um die Erkenntnis der Dinge und nicht um deren Wahrheit bemüht, sondern verantwortungslos und gleichgültig im Leben einhergeht.
271) Bedenkt, ihr seid als Menschheit der Erde eine Wir-Form und als solche durch eure Gedanken und Gefühle sowie durch euer Unterbewusstsein mehr oder weniger miteinander verbunden, und so ihr negative oder positive Gedanken und Gefühle hegt und pflegt, so verstärken sie sich, wenn ihr sie einmal hervorruft, und in dieser Verstärkung können sie irgendeinen eurer Mitmenschen treffen, wodurch er etwas Ruhendes in sich erweckt, das er zur groben Ausführung bringt, obwohl er vorher niemals daran gedacht hat, es hervorzuholen und zu verwirklichen; also tragt ihr umfänglich die Verantwortung für eure Gedanken und Gefühle auch für eure Mitmenschen, zumindest für jene, die durch eure gedanklichen und gefühlsmässigen Regungen beeinflusst werden und daraus entsprechende Handlungen begehen oder in sich gleichartige Gedanken und Gefühle hervorrufen.”
“270) Through your thoughts and feelings alone, you humankind of Earth, you are involved in many good and bad actions of your fellow human beings without being conscious of it, because you do not strive for the cognition of the things and not for their truth, but go forth irresponsibly and unconcernedly in the life.
271) Consider, you, as humankind of Earth, are a we-form and as such are connected more or less with one another through your thoughts and feelings as well as through your subconsciousness, and as you nourish and cherish negative or positive thoughts and feelings, so they strengthen themselves once you call them forth, and in this strengthening they can strike any of your fellow human beings, through which they awake something resting in them that they bring to the coarse effect, although they had never previously thought about bringing it out and realising it; therefore you comprehensively bear the responsibility for your thoughts and feelings also for your fellow human beings, at least for those who are influenced through your mental and feeling-based impulsations and thereout carry out corresponding deeds or call forth thoughts and feelings in themselves of the same kind.”
If we take the time to realize that when others are indifferent to us we dislike it and that person also dislikes it when we do it to them. When we realize just how connected we are to one another, we realize how responsible we are, not just for ourselves but for our fellow human beings. Even if we don’t realize it yet.
This requires us to learn and understand the reality of things, which is statemented in Contact 708 by Billy:
“die Möglichkeit der Menschen in bezug auf das Erlernen und Sich-Einfügen in die schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetzmässigkeiten ebenso immer drastischer unterdrückt und zum Verschwinden gebracht wird wie auch das Selbständigwerden, das freie Selbst-Denken, freie Selbst-Entscheiden und das Tragen und Ausüben der persönlichen Verantwortung.”
“The possibility of the human beings in regards to the long-term learning and to fall into line with the creational-natural principles is more drastically suppressed and are vanishing like also being self-independent, free self-thinking, free self-deciding, and the carrying and practicing out of the personal responsibility [also Vanishes].“
It seems after we leave high school or even college so many people just quit researching and we are learning less because of it (which science is changing so fast). One should keep learning and gather information or one will fall behind. We should learn to understand things for ourselves, which is what is meant by “Selbständigwerden”. We are also watching TV, Radio, playing on the phone or internet that we are not learning a great deal about the creational-natural laws, which one finds in nature and reality.
“Und zweitens wird durch die rasante Fortentwicklung der Technik, und zwar insbesondere mittels Geräten wie Apps, Television, Radio sowie Internetz und damit durch die schon seit langem ausgeartete Informationsübermittlung – die nichts mehr mit Kommunikation zu tun hat –, in erwähnter Weise ebenfalls immer weniger gelernt.”
“And secondly, the rapid development of technology, particularly through devices such as apps, television, radio, and the Internet, and already for a long time thus ausgeartete[2] transmission of information – which no longer has anything to do with communication – less and less learning is also taking place in the manner mentioned.”
I felt like I was always fighting the TV for my parent’s attention when I was younger. Now that my generation and the younger ones have cell phones, we talk to one another less and less and are becoming careless towards one another because we don’t connect like real human beings are meant to.
To make matters worse we are warned by Billy’s statement in Contact Note 647:
“Und dass es heute bereits soweit ist, dass Menschen in der Öffentlichkeit verprügelt und gar totgeschlagen werden und rundum die Leute einfach gleichgültig wegschauen, weil es ihnen effectiv gleichgültig ist, was mit einem Mitmenschen geschieht, das sagt wohl alles aus, wohin zukünftig die Gleichgültigkeit noch führt.”
“And that it is already the case today that human beings are beaten up and even beaten to death in public and that people completely look the other way and are simply unconcerned, because they are effectively indifferent to what is happening to a fellow human being, that expresses everything quite well about where indifference will lead to in the future.”
Lastly, we will look at a prediction in which Sfath was given to young 11 year old Edward in 1948 (Which can be found in Contact Note 670):
“267. Das wird besonders ab den 1980er Jahren erfolgen, wenn die neuen Klänge angeblicher Musik völlig aus der Art fallen und nichts mehr mit Harmonie und Musik zu tun haben werden, denn zu diesem Zeitpunkt kommt ein Wandel zur völligen Disharmonie im Bewusstsein der Menschen auf, die auch die Nerven sowie die gesamte Kognition beeinträchtigen und schädigen wird.
268. Diese werden bei vielen Menschen das verhaltenssteuernde System zu Grunde richten und eine negative Informationsumgestaltung hervorrufen, wodurch das gesamte Gebaren all jener schwer geschädigt wird, die diesen disharmonischen Klängen verfallen.
269. Alles wird dazu führen, dass viele lebensuntüchtig, aggressiv, gleichgültig und weltfremd werden, was gar hinreichen wird bis zur Aufgabe der Selbstachtung und des Selbstwertes, weil nur noch in der Disharmonie der auf das Bewusstsein zerstörend wirkenden Klänge ein Lebenssinn gesehen wird.
270. Das führt dann in vielerlei Hinsicht zu Not und Elend, wie auch dazu, dass die Mitmenschen nicht mehr geachtet werden und diesen nur noch mit höchst unwertiger Gleichgültigkeit begegnet und ihnen auch nicht hilfreich beigestanden wird, wenn sie in Not geraten und Hilfe benötigen.”
“267. This will take place especially from the 1980s, when the new sounds of so-called music will fall completely out of kind and will no longer have anything to do with harmony and music, because at this time, a change to complete disharmony occurs in the consciousness of human beings, which will also impair and damage the nerves as well as the entire cognition.
268. In many human beings, these sounds will ruin the behavioural control system and call forth a negative transformation of information, which seriously damages the whole of the behaviour in all who succumb to these disharmonious sounds.
269. Everything will lead to the fact that many will be unable to cope with life and become aggressive, unconcerned and out of touch with reality, which will extend to abandoning any sense of self-esteem and self-worth, because the sense of life will be seen only in the disharmony of the sounds which work destructively on the consciousness.
270. In many respects, this then leads to hardship and misery, as well as to the fellow human beings no longer being respected and only being met with highly unworthy Indifference and not being given any assistance when they are in distress and need help.” [3]
A very interesting statement about music and how it affects us. There are studies showing that listening to Mozart has beneficial effects [6] on learning. Many people can change their lives just by changing the kind of music they listen to. [4,5]
OM 32:
“236. Selbst um den Weisen, der einsam im Walde lebt, bilden sich drei Parteien; Freunde, Gleichgültige und Feinde, die einen aus Weisheit, die andern aus Dummheit, und die dritten aus Narrheit.”
“Even around the wise one, who lives secluded in the forest, three parties form themselves; Friends, indifferent and enemies, the one out of wisdom, the other out of stupidity and the third out of foolishness.”
1. Translation by Vibka Wallder of FIGU-LANDESGRUPPE AUSTRALIA, FLAU BULLETIN Number 20, January 2019, Page 8 [ http://au.figu.org/content/FLAU%20B-20.pdf ]
2. FIGU Dictionary Site | Ausgeartete — ones who have badly got out of the control of the good human nature [ http://dict.figu.org/node/5721 ]
3. Translation by Vivienne Legg with assistance from Mariann Uehlinger Mondria and Dyson Devine and amended by FLAU 14th June, 2017 [ https://au.figu.org/sfath_predictions.html ]
4. Music genre preference and tempo alter alpha and beta waves in human non-musicians. [ https://impulse.appstate.edu/sites/impulse.appstate.edu/files/Hurless%20et%20al.%20_0.pdf ]
5. The do re mi’s of everyday life: The structure and personality correlates of music preferences. [ https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2F0022-3514.84.6.1236 ]
6. Judy M. Taylor, Beverly J. Rowe The “Mozart Effect” and the Mathematical Connection [ https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ972860.pdf ]